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PhD Studentship in “Multi-scale mathematical models to predict prostate cancer progression and treatment response”

  • 14 Jun 2024
  • University of Sussex (Brighton, UK)

PhD studentship in the Groups of “Mathematics Applied to Biology” and “Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing” at the University of Sussex (UK), with the collaboration of the “Group of Numerical Methods in Engineering” at the University of A Coruña (Spain).

We offer a three and half year position to advance our understanding of prostate cancer dynamics and guide the development of effective therapeutic strategies. A crucial aspect of this project will involve the analytical and numerical study of dynamical systems, alongside statistical comparisons between simulations and experimental data. 

More details can be found at this link: https://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/fees-funding/phd-funding/view/1732-PhD-Studentship-in-Multi-scale-mathematical-models-to-predict-prostate-cancer-progression-and-treatment-response

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